
Lucky Kiwi’s Big Win Prospects Float Over $10,000

Luck continued to shine down on this Kiwi as he floated through the Koi Gate once again to mine for big wins!

Just last month, 37-year-old Tony from New Zealand made his big winner debut with his over $20,000 big win streak. It must be his season of good fortune because he came back with a five-day big win streak to cement his position in EmuCasino’s unofficial big winner hall of fame.

prplay-floating-dragon-hold-and-spin-thumbnailHis first stop was one of his top two vacation destinations: the Floating Dragon: Hold & Spin slot game. The festival was in full swing so he bought three $10 bet kites and flew them masterfully through the clouds. When he pulled each kite back in, he found three big win diamonds attached to the wings of each kite which were worth $1,150, $1,020, and $1,410 respectively.

haban-koi-gate-thumbnailThe next day, he decided to hop over to his other favourite tranquil spot in the Koi Gate slot game. There, he basked in the serenity of the koi pond, tossing in $9 bet treats into the waters and watching the fish swim gracefully to eat them. To his surprise, a koi swam to the edge of the water and deposited a golden big win ancient coin on the shore worth $1,509.

1x2g-prospector-wilds-hold-and-win-thumbnailWith gold on his mind, he went digging down in the mineshaft of the Prospector Wilds: Hold & Win slot game. With his $10 bet pickaxe, he chipped away at the rocks until he discovered a $1,002 big win gold vein!

After a comfortable night of sleep, Tony returned to the tranquil pond of the Koi Gate slot game. He wandered the peaceful grounds and made a $9 bet offering at the nearby temple. Touched by his generosity, the mythical dragon flew through the torii gates to thank Tony in person by gifting him a big win pouch filled with $2,318 in gold coins.

Buoyed with happiness, he floated back to the land of the Floating Dragon: Hold & Spin slot game the very next day to once again join the kite festival merriment. He played a $5 bet round on one of the festival games and managed to net himself a $1,030 grand big win plushie prize!

To end the day, he drifted back over to the Koi Gate slot game to hang out with his favourite fish. As he fed the koi with his $18 bet premium fish food, he noticed a glimmer below the water’s surface which was illuminated by the moonlight. Curious, he reached down and pulled out a big win pearl from the pond worth $1,878!

On the final day of his slot journey, Tony grabbed his trusty pickaxe and rode a mine cart into the dark depths of the Prospector Wilds: Hold & Win slot game once again. He lobbed a $10 bet stick of dynamite and blew his way into a literal goldmine where he collected $1,264 in big win golden nuggets.

It was definitely a very prolific 5 days for Tony who secured a grand total of $12,581 in big wins! We wish him even more fantastic luck in the future and hope that similar good fortune will float its way towards other players too.

/Josh Brown
News editor